Cabin Fever

It’s that time of year again. In spite of Spring having arrived already it is still so cold you wouldn’t know Spring has sprung. I don’t know what the weather is like where you live, but here some snow remains thanks to a recent storm and all I want is warm weather, green trees and beautiful flowers blooming! This is us the second day of Spring digging out of about 6-7 of inches of snow, not a lot I know, but it’s Spring!

Hubby snow-blowin’
Our backyard the second day of Spring!

The *Webster Miriam Dictionary defines “cabin fever” as this: extreme irritability and restlessness from living in isolation or a confined indoor area for a prolonged time. Now, some may not live isolated or confined indoors like in days-gone-by (thanks to snow-plows and salt), but some may and I would venture to say that even if you aren’t confined, you can probably relate to feeling this way.

Photo Credit: Elisbetta Foco

Everyone I talk with is so over this winter! We are ready to venture outside and get to doing the things we love to do in the great outdoors, whatever that may be for you. Do you relate? Or are you the type of person who just loves all this cold weather and prefers it over the warmth of the glorious Spring sun that is accompanied by a warm, gentle breeze from the south?

Photo Credit: Jordan McQueen

For those who suffer with Seasonal Depression, (me raising my hand here) the beginning of Spring is like renewed hope. A prospect of change in what has felt like a long, dismal period of despondency.

Photo Credit: Johannes Plenio

At least that’s how I feel each year. When Spring finally rolls around, I usually have thoughts like, “Thank goodness that season is over.” or, “Made it through another Winter.” But am I just wishing my time away? Not appreciating every moment God grants me here on this earth?


Photo Credit: rawpixel


Do you ever do that? Wish time away? I question, when I do that, am I being a good steward of my time? Am I treasuring these moments? Oh, I keep busy with projects and things, as I’m sure you do too, but I just wonder if I truly appreciate each day when I dread the long, cold winter and only look forward to warmer days.


Photo Credit: Morgan Sessions


Shouldn’t we look forward to each day God puts breath in our lungs? In the book of Psalms, the writer offers us some good advice that even if you’re not a follower of Jesus or believe in God, you can still gain a nugget of wisdom from this passage. *Psalm 90:12 tells us, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Now, I’m no theologian, but I believe what the writer is conveying is that it’s wise to remember our time here on earth is limited and we shouldn’t waste or wish it away.


Photo Credit: Cristian Newman

Each moment, whether the warm, tropical air is gently blowing through the trees or a blustery, icy Nor’easter is bearing down on you, is to be treasured because once it’s gone, you can never regain it. It’s a wisp of wind, a flower fading. Unless you treasure it. Then it can remain with you for always.



Photo Credit: ly-gia-phu


So, let’s not waste or wish away our days. Instead, be grateful for each moment and make a positive difference in your little corner of the world. Smile at a stranger, hold the door open for another, offer a kind word of encouragement because you never know how that moment will affect the other person and who knows? Maybe you’ll find treasure in those moments and it could even help you combat that Cabin Fever too!


Photo Credit: Dayne Topkin




*Zondervan NIV The Knowing Jesus Study Bible.  The Zondervan Corporation, 1999.







6 thoughts on “Cabin Fever

  1. Hi Teresa. This post speaks to me. I have been rather vocal about being “done” with winter on social media. As you have read, I struggle with depression. The winter definitely feels long. Your words and the Scripture tell me to worry less and wonder more. Some days it is easier than others. Have a blessed Easter if we don’t connect before then. In Christ, Julie


    1. Thank you Julie! I’m glad to hear the Scripture has encouraged you! You have a blessed Easter too and let it serve as a reminder to us all of not only the beautiful Resurrection of our Lord Jesus but for us as well!


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