Labor Of Love

September is upon us and time to shift from long summer days into not-so-long autumn days. Some of us may be ready for the shift. Cooler days and nights. Bon-fires and hoodies. Brightly colored leaves and pumpkins. And we kick it all off with Labor Day. A day set aside to honor American workers and their contributions to our country.

“The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.”  (Source:

Photo Credit: Stephanie McCabe

The way we celebrate has evolved since those first years when they had parades, not sales. Festivals for the workers, not working the grill flipping burgers. Not that there is anything wrong with flipping burgers or sales, I love both, but the day was meant to mean more.

ford-assembly-line - CopyA day set aside to honor those of us who give so much to make this nation great. To payback the worker who labors and toils through the day to make ends meet. No matter your job, from trash collector to C.E.O., Youth director to dentist, professor to farmer, all make this country thrive. Where would be without each laborer? Without the people who build our cars? Or the ones who filter public water to ensure your drinking water is drinkable? The crews that lay blacktop and so on and so on? We are all vital and each contribution is fundamental to the well-being of this great nation.


Let’s take a moment to encourage one another as we all labor for our families and loved ones. No matter what we do let us not labor in vain. Rather, when we do it for those we treasure it is simply a labor of love.

So go enjoy those you work so hard for! Happy Labor Day!

Photo Credit: jens johnson

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